Muž mi je donio puno limuna s Lastova i bila bi šteta ne iskoristiti ih. S obzirom na to da su limuni domaći, nešpricani, prvo sam im ostrugala koricu kako bi je imala tijekom cijele godine za kolače i kekse. Spremila sam je u male komadiće folije te smrznula. Sok je bistar i ima jako finu aromu. Zadovoljna sam kako mi je ispao. A marmelada je za prste polizati ;). Idealna mi je bila za roladu koju sam pripremala kasnije. Ako imate domaće limune, svakako isprobajte ovaj recept.
My husband brought a lots of lemons from the island of Lastovo and I was eager to use them to cook something. Lemons were really nice, from an ecological breeding and I have decided to store the peel before using them for the juice. I have grated it, stored it in small parts of foil and freeze them so it stays fresh for the all year. Juice is tasty and I like it. It si nice because it is transparent. Marmelade is great for cakes and cookies, instead of a cream. If you have home grown lemons, use them to try this recipe.
Potrebni sastojci:
1,5 kg limuna 1,5 kg šećera 2 vanili šećera 3 l vode + za marmeladu: 1 burbon vanili šećer 0,5 kg šećera |
1,5 kg lemons 1,5 kg caster sugar 2 bags of vanila sugar 3 l water + for the jam: 1 bag of burbon vanila sugar 0,5 kg caster sugar |
Kako napraviti?
Ogulite koricu limuna za kolače i kekse kako je opisano gore. Ostatak limuna narežite na kockice otprilike 1×1 cm veličine. Odstranite sve koštice koje nađete. Kockice limuna prelijte vodom, te ostavite sve skupa da odstoji u hladnjaku 24 sata. Pripremite 4 boce od 1 litre, te 4 do 5 manjih teglica. Sterilizirajte ih u pećnici na 100°C otprilike 10 minuta. Nakon 24 sata, procijedite limun od vode te dodajte šećer u obje posude. U vodu dodajte 1,5 kg šećera i 2 vanili šećera, a u kockice dodajte 0,5 kg šećera i burbon vanili šećer. Sok stavite na štednjak da se grije uz povremeno miješanje. Ako imate termometar, mjerite temperaturu te sok ugasite kada temperatura dođe na 95°C. Sok ne smije zakuhati. Sok punite u boce, dobro zatvorite i pustite da se ohladi. Sok razrijedite vodom prije upotrebe. Marmeladu kuhajte na laganoj vatri uz povremeno miješanje 45 minuta. Kada je kuhana, štapnim mikserom propasirajte smjesu da postane glatka. Marmeladu punite u teglice, dobro zatvorite i pustite da se ohladi. I sok i marmeladu čuvajte na suhom, mračnom i hladnom mjestu. |
How to prepare?
Peel the lemon peel as described above and use it for cakes or cookies. Cut the lemons into little cubes, 1×1 cm in size. Remove all seeds you find. Cover the lemon cubes with water, and leave them in the fridge for 24 hours to rest. Prepare 4 bottles of 1 liter and 4 to 5 small jars. Sterilize them in the oven at 100°C for 10 minutes. 24 hours later, strain the water (juice) into another bowl. Add in sugar into water (1,5 kg and vanila sugar) and into lemon cubes (0,5 kg of sugar and burbon vanila sugar). Put the juice to heath and stir occasionally. If you have a thermometer check the temperature until it gets to 95°C, and then turn of the heath. Juice should not boil. Fill the bottles with the juice and close them tightly. Let them cool. Drink the juice diluted with water. Cook the lemon cubes to get the marmelade on a low heath for approximatly 45 minutes. Stir occasionally. Use a hand blender to mash the lemons into marmelade. Fill the jars and close them tightly. Let the marmelade cool. Store marmelade and the juice in a cold and dark place. |
One thought on “Sok i marmelada od limuna/ Lemon juice and jam”
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