
Krafna/ Donut

Nema do domaćih krafni. U mojoj obitelji jedu se jednom godišnje i to zadnji dan fašnika, prije nego počne korizma, da si zamastimo brk. Jedini problem je što ih moja mama napravi previše, pa uvijek ostane za sljedeći dan tako da prekršimo post na pepelnicu, ali ne možemo odoljeti ne pojesti sve krafne do kraja ;). Dok je mama radila, jele su se kasno navečer, jer dok bi došla s posla i tijesto se diglo već bi bilo kasno, ali to su bili najslađe večere u godini. Sada kada je u penziji zamijesi ih ranije i budu još malo bolje, jer se tijesto duže diže. Važno je imati vremena i pratiti glavne smjernice koje znaju sve naše bake i mame:

1. pustiti tijesto da se diže, premijesiti, izvaljati, izrezati krafne i onda pustiti da se opet dižu u toplom stolnjaku

2. u vruće ulje stavljati prvo gornju stranu koja je više narasla, pa će donja rasti tijekom pečenja gornje strane

3. prvu stranu peći u poklopljenoj posudi, para još malo pospješuje dizanje

4. ulje ne smije biti prevruće (izmjerila sam da je idealno oko 170°C, ako imate termometar)

5. punite ih kada se malo ohlade, jer ćete inače dobiti osjećaj kao da su iznutra malo sirove (zbog naglog hlađenja krafne)

Ove godine sam ih ja prvi puta radila ranije i sama. Naravno radila sam neke izmjene u receptu kao u uvijek, ali ispale su odlično. Dizale su se tijekom noći u frižideru, a ujutro sam ih pekla. Ovo je jednostavnije ako ih želite jesti za doručak. Ajmo se baciti na recept.



There are no donuts like home made donuts. In my family, my mother is the one who always made them. She made them once a year, on the last day of carnival, before the fast on the first day of Lent. The only problem was that she made to many donuts, and there were always left overs for the next day, so we broke the fast. But it was too delicious not to eat them all ;). It is very important to have enough time to let them rise and bake with love. There are some key instructions you have to follow:

1. let the dough enough time to rise, roll it out, cut the donuts and let them rise again in a warm napkin

2. always place the top side of the donut in the hot oil, so the bottom side has time to rise

3. the first side should be baked with a lid on (it helps the other side of the donut rise)

4. oil must not be to hot (I have measured with a thermometer, it should be around 170°C)

5. let the donuts cool a little before you fill them with marmalade or chocolate, because instead you will get a felling they are raw in the middle

This is the first year I baked them on my own, and I baked them in advance, so you can try my mothers recipe. As always I have changed it a bit, but they turned out delicious. The dough raised overnight in the fridge, and I have baked them for breakfast. This way is easier if you want to eat them for breakfast as we did. Let us see the recipe.


Potrebni sastojci za krafne:

500 g brašna + još malo ako je potrebno

1 kocka kvasca

4 žlice šećera

1 jaje

2 žumanjka

2,5 dcl mlijeka

50 g rastopljenog maslaca

Oribana korica 2 limuna

2 žlice ruma

2 vanili šećera

Pola žličice soli



Šećer za posipavanje

Marmelada ili Nutella za punjenje

1 l ulja

Ingredients for donuts:

500 g plain flour + some additional

40 g of yeast

4 spoons caster sugar

1 egg

2 egg yolks

2,5 dcl milk

50 g melted butter

2 grated lemons

2 spoons rum

2 bags of vanila sugar

Half tea-spoon salt



Powder sugar for dusting

Marmelade or Nutella for filling

1 l oil

Kako napraviti?

U veliku posudu stavite brašno, zagrijte mlijeko da bude mlako. U brašnu napravite rupu te u nju natrgajte kvasac, prelijte mlijekom i dodajte šećer. Pustite da malo odstoji.

Lagano kuhačom promiješajte brašno, kvasac i mlijeko. Dodajte sve preostale sastojke i mikserom (spiralni nastavci, ili kuka robotskog miksera) zamijesite tijesto. Možda ćete morati dodati još malo brašna ako vam se tijesto jako lijepi. Tijesto mora biti meko, i odvajati se od stijenki posude.

Tijesto izvadite na pobrašnjenu radnu plohu te ga još malo premijesite rukama. Vratite ga u pobrašnjenu zdjelu, prekrijte prianjajućom folijom (ostavite mjesta da se tijesto može utrostručiti). Ostavite u frižideru preko noći ili barem 2 sata na sobnoj temperaturi da se diže.

Kada ste spremni peći krafne, zagrijte pećnicu na 50°C (ventilator ako imate) i pripremite 2 lima obložena kuhinjskom krpom. Stavite ih u pećnicu da se griju.

Ja sam krafne radila rukama, nisam valjala i modlicama rezala tijesto (brže je). Dobila sam 20 krafni.

Tijesto prebacite na radnu površinu i podijelite na dva dijela. Napravite valjak od oba dijela te nožem režite komade otprilike jednakih veličina. Svaki komad premijesite uz dodatak malo brašna ako se lijepi, te formirajte diskove. Slažite ih na tople krpe na limu iz pećnice. Ostavite sve krafne da se dižu barem 15 minuta u toploj pećnici.

Pripremite veliku tacnu obloženu kuhinjskim papirnatim ručnicima na koju ćete vaditi krafne.

Zagrijte ulje do 170°C (ako imate termometar). Ako nemate termometar, ubacite komadić tijesta u ulje, ako se pjeni, ulje je spremno za prženje.

Izvadite samo jedan kalup s krafnama iz pećnice te uzimajte po 3 ili 4 krafne i stavljajte ih u vruće ulje. Obavezno gornja strana ide prva u ulje kako bi još malo narasle. Prvu stranu pokrijte poklopcem, malo smanjite vatru i pecite dok ne porumene. Možete dići poklopac i provjeriti boju. Okrenite krafne da se druga strana ispeče te sada pecite otklopljene. Izvadite krafne na papirnati ručnik te pojačajte vatru da se ulje malo zagrije. Ubacite novu turu krafni, smanjite malo vatru, poklopite, okrenite, izvadite, pojačajte vatru i tako redom dok sve krafne ne budu pečene.

Kako krafne vadite iz ulja, posipajte ih šećerom u prahu. Punite ih kada se malo ohlade marmeladom ili Nutellom. Možete ih ostaviti i prazne pa kada se ohlade prerezati kao pecivo i namazati.


How to make them?

Place the flour in a big bowl. Warm the milk. Make a well in the flour and put the yeast inside it, pour over the milk and add sugar. Let it rest for few minutes.

Stir the flour and milk with a spoon just a little. Add all other ingredients and mix them with spiral extensions of a mixer or a hook if you have a freestanding mixer. Make a soft and smooth dough that is not sticking to the bowl sides. You will probably need to add some more flour.

Take the dough out of the bowl on the working station. Knead the dough with your hands a little to get a nice ball. Dust the bowl with flour and let the dough rise in it covered with plastic foil (leave enough space so the dough can triple in size). Rise the dough in the fridge overnight or on the room temperature for at least 2 hours.

When you are ready to bake the donuts, put the oven to warm to 50°C (use the fan mode if you have it). Prepare two big baking trays covered with kitchen napkin and let them warm in the oven.

I have formed the donuts with my hands instead of cutting them because it was faster. I got 20 donuts.

Place the dough on your working station. Cut in two and make two cylinders. Cut the pieces in the size you like, knead them a little and make a disk. Place the disks in the warm baking trays and let them rise in the oven for at least 15 minutes.

Now it is time to prepare a big plate covered with kitchen paper napkins where you are going to put your donuts to dry from the oil.

Heat the oil to 170°C (if you have a thermometer). If you don’t have it, put one piece of dough in the oil, if it is foaming, the oil is ready to bake.

Take one baking tray from the oven and put 3 or 4 donuts in the hot oil. Reduce the heat to medium. The upper side of the donut from the baking tray should go in the oil first. Cover the pan with a lid and let them bake. Check if they are baked, you can lift the lid to check this. Turn them on the other side and bake them through, now without the lid. Take out baked donuts on the plate and dust them with powdered sugar. Increase the heat and put the new donuts in the oil. Reduce the heat again, cover them with a lid, turn them, take them out and increase the heat again. Use this order to bake all donuts.

When the donuts cool a little, fill them with marmalade or Nutella. You can also leave them “naked ” and cut them like buns and fill them later.



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